Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Year Goals

I try to set goals for myself each year. Some people call it their life list but I view my list as something that will grow with me and as a result my goals will change. Last year it was to skydive which I did in September. This year I am going to try to accomplish a bit more. I do not want to list to get to an unmanageable size though because that would defeat the purpose of setting goals. maybe if they are written down I will be more likely to do them. We will see.

1. Compete in a Sprint triathlon - Signed up for the Silverlake Sprint Triathlon

2. Buy a Digital SRL camera

3. Start revisiting my passion of photography

4. Be more proactive when it comes to socializing/making friends - Working on it

5. Take a knife skills training class - Hubby and I took class April 14th

6. Take a cooking class - something Greek or Thai

7. Try a new recipe once a month -January/Beef enchiladas, February/potstickers, July/macaroni and cheese bites

8. Learn Spanish

9. Try to post 2-3 entries in my blog a month

10. Get a group together for a paintball game - I have always wanted to do this

11. Learn more about web analytics - blogs, books, something

12. Take a wine tasting class

13. Go to the gym at least 2x a week - Took bootcamp March 23rd - S.C.O.P.E. 5k 29:32

14. Try Indian food - Completed 2/2/09 Also tried Persian & Turkish

15. Travel somewhere new - Miami and Cancun

16. Focus on myself more

17. Clean the house more often - Why not get a maid already

18. Go to an art gallery once a month

19. Go on a girls trip - no boys allowed

20. Become better at tennis

I think this is a good list for 2009. I am going to think of it as a work in progress. Hopefully I will be adding to it and not taking away from it. I wish now that I had started a blog earlier because it would help me see what I accomplished in 2008. The only things that really stand out are:

1. Traveled to London, Norway, Denver, New York, San Antonio, New Orleans, Austin, Las Vegas, South Padre and Dallas

2. Completed 2 Houston Adventure boot camps - warm weather only for me

3. Started a new job in February 2008

4. Went skydiving for the first time.

5. Susan G. Komen 5K - 31:24 time

6. Learned NetTracker, ExactTarget, EpiServer and Sharepoint

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