Tuesday, January 27, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. I have been in 8 car accidents, two the car flipped, but none were my fault and no one was hurt.

2. If I completed student teaching I would have a second degree in Education.

3. I met my husband 3 years before we started to date but did not realize until I saw pictures of us together in my photo album.

4. I changed my alternator, belts, oil and gave my car a tune up while in high school because my dad made me. I appreciate it now because I did learn some things about cars.

5. I have an adopted sister that left home when I was born and she has only contacted my parents 3 times since.

6. My favorite flowers are the Parrot Tulip and Orchid.

7. My graduating class in high school was 52 people.

8. My mom taught me how to make lye soap, can vegetables, sew, garden, knit and cook because these are useful skills to have. I might cook once a week now.

9. I have had 9 dogs since I was a little girl. Don't ask.

10. In college I worked at a career center, a credit union, law firm and cable company.

11. At the cable company my two bosses had a fist fight in the parking lot and the cops blocked me in. I had to ask them to move so I could go to class.

12. My first job was a dish washer at the Top Half which was a truck stop. One day they forced me to be a waitress and I cried in the walk in cooler and tried to get my mom to pick me up. If you are shy it is guaranteed that truck drivers will bring you out of your shell.

13. My parents did not use an air conditioner at home until I was in high school.

14. I never used a clothes dryer or a dish washer until I was 25 years old.

15. I accidently burned down 5 acres of our property in high school. Luckly, it did not spread any further.

16. I used to be able to play a mean game of chess.

17. In 6th grade I was in band. I played the clarinet and was first chair every week.

18. My mom always made my Halloween costumes. She still does if I ask her. She even made my Oktoberfest costume.

19. My eyes change colors depending on what I wear. They are grey, blue, green and aqua on any given day.

20. My parents only knew each other 5 days before marrying. They will celebrate their 45th anniversary on April 5th.

21. My hair has been dyed once because the chorine in the pool turned it green.

22. A snake crawled into the engine area of my car while in high school. The fire department came out to assist and the story was in the Kountze newspaper the next day. (It was pretty exciting for Kountze)

23. I cannot stand people chewing their nails.

24. I was named after Laura Ingles on Little House on the Prairie.

25. I dislike all melons – watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew

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