Monday, January 19, 2009

Hubcap Grill

I have been reading excellent reviews about Hubcap Grill and decided I wanted to try it out. With people saying that it has the BEST burger in town I came with big expectation. So last Saturday the weather was perfect and with my husband and a friend joining me we headed over to the Hubcap Grill.

Now there are a few things you need to keep in mind before going to the Hubcap Grill. The first is that they have very little inside seating and the second is they only accept cash. When we arrived we saw that they have quite a few speciality burgers but since this was our first visit we wanted to stick to the basics. I ordered the cheeseburger with fries and then found a place to sit outside. Our orders were delivered to our table promptly and the food looked great. The bun they use seems like a ciabatta bun - I could be wrong. The patty was cooked perfectly and had just enough seasoning. The only thing that I can say that could be improved on is the fries. They are good do not get me wrong but there just is nothing special about them.

Entertainment while dining
While we were enjoying our meal we heard some commotion behind us. We look across the street and there are two girls fighting with a group of guys around them. Most of the guys are trying to break them up while another guy takes pictures. The girls kept following one another and starting back where they left off. Hair pulling, punching, bear hugs you name it we saw it. They did stop long enough to get a free Christian rap CD that someone was giving away downtown. Now where can you get a great burger and street entertainment! My overall impression of Hubcap is good and the entertainment we saw just guarantees that I will not forget my experience anytime soon. If you get a chance you should check the place out. It lives up to the rave reviews and who can pass up on an great burger.

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