Friday, March 27, 2009

Bootcamp Time

I have been going to my womens only bootcamp twice a year since I turned 30. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and kicks my butt back into shape. What is better than waking up at 4:40 in the morning to make a 5am class? Just think once you finish your 8 to 5 you are done for the day. You do not have to worry about how you are going to work in working out and dinner prep time.

Karen always times you the first week and the last week to see what type of improvements you have made. We just had our timed test and I have to say I am pretty proud of myself but just because I was interested I found the email of what my times were from my very first bootcamp. Yes, I keep every email and yes the email is from 3 years ago.

In 2006 at the age of 30 she tested us on planks and 1 mile runs now she test us on situps, pushups and 1 mile runs. The only thing that I can really compare is the run so here goes.

2006 Results: Run - 12:03 the first day and 9:17 the last day of class
2009 Results: Run - 8:10 the first week and 7:55 the last day of class

I just have to share my situp and pushup times though because like I said I am proud of myself.

We had 1 minute to complete and here are my results.

Beginning of Bootcamp
Pushup: 46
Situps: 40

End of Bootcamp
Pushup: 52
Situps: 43

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