Monday, February 16, 2009

Running Way

I am so excited. I have finally ran 3 miles without stopping. Not only did I run 3 miles but I was doing so well that I kept running and ended up running a little over 4 miles without stopping; then I walked and ran the other 2 miles. I have been having issues because I kept having asthma attacks. I used to be able to run long distances with no problems but through the years I have lost that ability and and trying get back to where I was.

Now this comes at a perfect time because I just signed up for my first Sprint Triathlon in May and I think that is somewhat essential that you be able to run at least 3 miles. Now I just need to work on my biking and swimming which the swimming is what concerns me the most. I do not want to drown in the man-made, Silverlake!

Wish me luck

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