Thursday, February 19, 2009

Big Winner!

My husband got me into Texas Hold-em 2 or 3 years ago. I really enjoy the game (as long as I am winning) because I view it as a game of strategy and perception. Both skills must be nurtured and you have to keep a level head throughout the game. Once you give up it is all over; you have to be determined to try your hardest until the end and yes sometimes that means everyone else will have large chip stacks and you are looking at the measly 300 dollars you have left. I guess you could call me the come back kid because people will consider me done and I will double up and am right back in the game.

Last night was no different. I had a small chip stack but was able to come back yet again. Slow and steady wins the race, right? I was head-to-head with my husband no less and the chips went in his favor in the beginning but I was determined to press on even though I had an early work meeting the next day. It paid off in the end and I have to say it is nice when the money stays in the family regardless if it is him winning or me.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Running Way

I am so excited. I have finally ran 3 miles without stopping. Not only did I run 3 miles but I was doing so well that I kept running and ended up running a little over 4 miles without stopping; then I walked and ran the other 2 miles. I have been having issues because I kept having asthma attacks. I used to be able to run long distances with no problems but through the years I have lost that ability and and trying get back to where I was.

Now this comes at a perfect time because I just signed up for my first Sprint Triathlon in May and I think that is somewhat essential that you be able to run at least 3 miles. Now I just need to work on my biking and swimming which the swimming is what concerns me the most. I do not want to drown in the man-made, Silverlake!

Wish me luck

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

I enjoy football but I have to say that what I enjoy most on Super Bowl Sunday are the ads. This year is no different and there were some good ones and some that were not so good.

The ads that really stood out and I remember are the ones I thought were strange like the 1 second Miller High Life ad here the guy just yells Hi! Then of course you have the ones that make you laugh out loud. My favorites were the Teleflora's - Talking Flowers and the Doritos - Crystal Ball ads.

At the end of the day I had a great time and ate enough pigs-in-the-blanket, pizza rolls and dip for two people.